Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Christmas Memories

Growing up, my family decorated two trees at Christmas time-a kid's tree and a formal tree (usually placed in the living room so we couldn't go near it and break one of the ornaments).  The ornament pictured below hung on the kid's tree each and every year for as long as I can remember.

During a dinner conversation recently, we started discussing our favorite ornaments.  I pointed out this one as a childhood favorite and my sister said that was one that she liked too.  This caught my mom by surprise becuase it was so simple in contrast to the quite extravagent and charming collection of ornaments she has.  Looking back, it must have been the colors that drew me to this ornament each and every year.  But it's a good reminder as nieces and nephews and children of our own come into this world...never take anything you present in front of them for granted as it could possibly be one of their most treasured items and the simple things can often times be the most memorable.
