Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Surprise Email

After filling out numerous online surveys for Banana Republic, they've finally listened...well kind of. I opened up my email this morning to find this message from them:

One of the best things about Piperlime is the free shipping and free returns. I was hoping Banana Republic would eventually take note. The main reason I would fill out the online surveys was to let them know how they should offer free shipping.  Well, now when your order is over $50, the items ship for free. Maybe eventually they will come around and offer the same perks as their sister company.  I must say though, this is an improvement!


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Giving Thanks

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I've decided to highlight some of things that I'm thankful for.

In February of 2004, I adopted a 14 month old German Shepherd.  As a child, my family always had pets around the house, but this was my first dog that I would be taking care of by myself.  Over the past six years, she has brought true happiness to my life.  She gives me unconditional love, always brings a smile to my face and her mere presence in a room brings me comfort.  Even as the grey begins to fill out around her snout, she is still a puppy at heart and I continue to love her more and more each day (if that is even possible because I love her so much already). I am truly thankful for her being a part of my life.

“A dog naps so much because it loves so hard.”

Friday, November 5, 2010

Fall Back

This Sunday marks the end of Daylight Savings. Early mornings of darkness while taking my dog out will soon be a thing of the past. But unfortunately, come Monday I'll be leaving the office as the sun is setting behind the mountains.  My motivation to be productive after 6pm will go right out the door. Despite having to get used to the dark mornings and soon to be dark evenings, I truly love fall. This past weekend I had my first Caramel Apple Cider from Starbucks and captured these beautiful fall colors in one of my favorite locations.
