Monday, September 27, 2010

The Comforts of Home

We had another sister rendezvous this week – on Thursday we met up on the West Coast and enjoyed a quick weekend trip to Northern Nevada.  Together with our mom, we took a leisurely drive around Lake Tahoe.  Early Fall is one of the best times to visit Tahoe because with the changing of seasons, many of the tourists have headed home and there is a calm, peaceful feeling in the air.  While it was unseasonably warm during our visit this weekend, we still caught a glimpse of some fall colors gracing us with their presence.
In our home cities, it isn't often that we see wildlife casually roaming the streets and wake up to find them peering in through our back door looking for handouts.  Suprisingly, this happens quite frequently when we are staying at our mom's house. This weekend was even more special when two fawns and their momma does stopped by to play in the yard and take a quiet afternoon nap under the butterfly bushes.  It is moments like these when you realize that one should slow down and enjoy the little things in life.
If you ever find yourself driving through the Washoe Valley between Reno and Carson City, take time to stop at the Chocolate Nugget.  There you will find an assortment of candy including fudge, peanut brittle and salt water taffy.  With the sweeping variety of taffy, it's hard to walk away without adding at least one of each flavor to your bag.  Jeanne's husband, Keith, has a sweet tooth and taffy is one of his favorites...she walked away with a 1 lb. bag.
~Ann & Jeanne

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